
hello world!

welcome to my little slice of the internet ^^

est. aug 14, 2024

i'm harmony, your local webmaster. this site serves to document my html skills, my alterhumanity journey, and a FEW other things. just a few.

i've identified as alterhuman for 2 years, and have been making websites since 2023.

this site has had a few different layouts under another name, and eventually i decided to just redo the whole thing.

i've got no big manifesto about the modern web or anything, i just like the default serif font

with v4, i've added:

  • simpler layout design, coming to the rest of the site... eventually
  • better accessibility
  • new aesthetic
  • MORE internal reorganizing
  • i've actually removed quite a lot

anyway say it with me kids the more conk they crete the brutalismer it is

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